A 1 0 0 0 S U N S E T S I N 1
- February 11th, Andøya, Arctic Northern Norway -
At Andøya in Arctic Northern Norway the sun is under the horizon for over 6 weeks during The Time of Darkness. In this period we only have under horizon light for a few hours around noon. As the sun gets higher (but still remains under the horizon) the light intensifies, adding a dreamlike quality to reality. In this series, shot at February 11th, it still hadn’t climbed above the horizon. But because of the angle of the suns trajectory, which is diagonal up here in the Arctic, as supposed to straight around equator, this light show lasts for hours, becoming multiple sunsets in one. The sunlight is reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere, as well as display the most amazing colors on clouds. This spectacular light show is unreal. And thinking back to it feels like a dream. This is what I set out to connote with this little series of images. I did not want to copy my surroundings, but express how they made me feel. And how, in my minds eye, it appear when I remember it. So I broke all the rules. I used high ISO, underexposed the frames, and worked only hand held. This is what a memory of a 1000 sunsets in 1 looks, and feels like to me.

Thanks so much for looking :)